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Our products

Our apples and pears are meticulously cultivated in orchards that benefit from optimal growing conditions, ensuring each fruit is imbued with the natural sweetness and crispness that discerning consumers crave. From the moment of harvest to the final packaging, our commitment to quality is unwavering, with stringent quality control measures in place to guarantee freshness and flavor integrity.

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  • Sparkling Apple 

  • Kosher Sparkling Apple

  • Organic Sparkling Apple 

  • Organic kosher Sparkling Apple 

Recuest a Sample

Looking to elevate your formulations with our products?


Our bench quality samples are tailored to meet your formulation needs with precision and excellence. Get in touch with us today, and we'll gladly send some your way.


We believe in empowering your creations with the best ingredients.

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Head office

Ruta 22 Km 1152,500

Mainqué - Rio Negro, Patagonia Argentina

Call us

At Jugos Luga we are always happy to develop new products in accordance with our customers’ specific needs. 

Novel ideas come from creativity and investigation with the aim of achieving an innovative and distinct product.


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